Do you need a priest to bring you to God? The Bible answers yes. But perhaps not the priest you were thinking of. Back in Exodus 3 Moses is at the burning bush and the One in the bush promises to save the people: “Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a […]
“I never knew Christ was all I needed until Christ was all I had.” I heard this saying from an African Bishop recently. But Christians the world over can attest to the truth of it. It’s the very essence of what God was teaching the Israelites in the wilderness. And it’s exactly what Christians are […]
“I knew her… in the biblical sense” said the ribaldrous fellow with a wink and a nudge. Many are aware that “knowing in the biblical sense” is shorthand for sex. But few know what it is that’s ‘biblical’ about that ‘biblical sense.’ Well it all goes back to Genesis 4:1: “And Adam knew Eve his […]