Some people are good at multi-tasking. No-one is good at multi-seeking. Jesus has been teaching us that we have only one heart. And our hearts attend to what we treasure. Essentially we can treasure God or we can treasure the things of this world, Mammon. To invest in earthly treasure is the way of worry. But, […]
Brian keeps getting mistaken for the Messiah. In this scene he must come up with some pithy teaching on the hoof. BRIAN: …Consider the lilies… in the field… ELSIE: Consider the lilies? BRIAN: Uh, well, the birds, then. EDDIE: What birds? BRIAN: Any birds. EDDIE: Why? BRIAN: Well, have they got jobs? ARTHUR: Who? BRIAN: The birds. EDDIE: Have the birds got jobs?!! FRANK: What’s the […]
In 1395, Wycliffe rendered it be not busy: “Therfor I seie to you, that ye be not bisi to youre lijf.” (Matthew 6:25) In 1534 Tyndale put the warning, be not carefull: “Therfore I saye vnto you be not carefull for your lyfe” From Tyndale until 1611 all the translations rendered Jesus’ warning as “be not […]