Judges 21:1-25 George Carlin once observed a universal rule of the road: “every driver slower than you is an idiot. And every driver faster is a maniac.” You on the other hand… You are the golden mean. You are, because you say you are. And who would dare to contradict!? We all naturally “do what is right […]
Judges 13:1-25 Ever since Adam, humanity has craved a good king to set the world to rights. Adam was set over creation to rule but dragged it down to death and curse. Yet from the beginning the Messiah was promised – in Greek it’s the word “Christ.” It just means Spirit-filled King. He would raise […]
Click for source Judges 12:1-15 Are you “in” or “out”? “Bang on trend” or “out of fashion”? “Up to the minute” or “behind the times”? Life is full of exclusive clubs. We discriminate by age, gender, race, wealth, strength, intelligence, looks, taste. We can turn anything into a barrier to entry. But the LORD is […]
Joshua 3:1-17 The story is told of a wealthy man’s funeral at which “Guide me O thou great Jehovah” was the opening hymn. It may have been a typo but the final verse read as follows: “When I tread the verge of Jordan Bid my anxious fears subside Death of death and hell’s destruction Land my […]
Joshua 2:1-24 Think of “heart-melting” today and you imagine a pop-tastic love song. But just as “going weak at the knees” can denote love or fear so it is with this phrase. Here’s the context. The Israelites are about to go in and take possession of the land. Once again they send out spies, this time […]
Deuteronomy 34:1-12 We can’t credit the Authorized Version with this one. But it is Biblical. Its origins go back further than people think: not with Mafia bosses, nor even with Judas but with Moses. Here’s how it came about… Moses has finished the last of his Deuteronomy sermons to the Israelites. Now it’s time for […]
Deuteronomy 32:1-44 It’s a saying that trip off the tongue. It’s whispered by a doting father to his son; a protective husband to his wife; perhaps even a musician to their favourite instrument: “You’re the apple of my eye.” We know that it means “my beloved”. But for most of us, we’re not really sure why […]
Deuteronomy 8:1-20 At the end of 40 years in the wilderness, the people come to the brink of the Promised Land. This is the setting for the book of Deuteronomy. Moses will not be going with the people into the land of milk and honey. He is the leader of the old Israel and the […]
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 “Feelings are feelings, they’re neither right nor wrong, it’s what you do with them that counts.” How often have you heard this kind of sentiment? (And interestingly, it is a sentiment!). You’re as likely to hear it in church as anywhere else these days. Even Christians will say that feelings are outside moral categories, […]
Numbers 23:13-26 “What hath God wrought” was the first message Samuel Morse tapped out on his new invention. It’s almost certainly that fact (more than its original appearance in Scripture) that lies behind its fame. Interestingly, today if it’s said at all, it refers more to terrible tragedies than great discoveries. (Perhaps that reflects a […]